Candle Wicks

            A candle wick is string, cord, or wooden object that holds the flame of a candle. A candle wick works by capillary action, drawing ("wicking") the fuel to the flame. When the liquid fuel (melted candle wax) reaches the flame it then vaporizes and burns.

   The candle wick influences how the candle burns. You will need to make sure you are using the correct size wick for the candle you are making. A wick that is too large or too small for your size candle will burn improperly and could be unsafe. It is very important to mesaure the diameter of your candle, then look for a wick that will accomadate that diameter.

     Keep in mind however, that most wick sizing is based upon paraffin waxes. When you are using natural waxes such as: soy, beeswax and other vegetable based waxes, you tend to require a wick that calls for a larger diameter than what your candle is. It is highly encouraged to purchase a small amount of wick to test before making a bunch of candles. Testing is a nessacary part in proper candlemaking.

Information provided on this website is strickly voluntary and makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied concerning the use of our products. Happy Candle Making!

   HTP Cotton Wicks

  CD Wicks

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   Votive & T/L Cotton Wicks

  Zinc Core Wicks

  Square Braid Pillar Wicks

  Flat Braid Wicks


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Candle Wicks

Candle Wicks

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