All Natural Soy Pillar Wax Accu-Soy16

All Natural Soy Pillar Wax Accu-Soy16

MP 139 A smooth all natural blend of 100% soywax ingredients. It has excellent color retention, hot and cold scent throw and is clean burning. No additives required. Blended to eliminate frosting of colored candles & releases very well from the mold. Pours with a smooth top & has very long burn times. As with all natural products, soy blends will vary slightly from batch to batch.

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All Natural Soy Pillar Wax Accu-Soy16 MP 139 A smooth all natural blend of 100% soywax ingredients. It has excellent color retention, hot and cold scent throw and is clean burning. No additives required. Blended to eliminate frosting of colored candles & releases very well from the mold. Pours with a smooth top & has very long burn times. As with all natural products, soy blends will vary slightly from batch to batch.


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All Natural Soy Pillar Wax Accu-Soy16

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